Is IT OUR reverence of self that denies US the abandonment of all hope. GOD is never more present then in the failing of our very flesh. The name of GOD is never more profoundly spoken then when it is shrouded in merciless pleading. In the depths of the very moment of OUR confrontation with OUR Mortality, The inevitable presents IT'S self a midst OUR fading memories. When the bellowing silence consumes OUR shattered, and fragmented minds, WE merely aspire for a voice, to beckon a word that may evoke the hidden apparition that WE had believed had been ever present through out OUR lives, never demanding of US, and never denying a worldly thing. When darkness conveys IT'S sole intent to dominate all IT touches. Assuming IT'S eternal and right full place with in US. A final fleeting breath, feels strangely familiar, only to be compared to OUR first. GOD is never more present then when IT is not needed, for we never really wanted IT, and not now, not in the first compelling truth to have graced US.
Silence will be broken, answers will be given, truth will be revealed, however IT would not have served YOU in life, as IT does not at this moment. For the Truth of truths is, all that YOU never, ever wanted to hear, and IT is now! The answer that comes from YOUR soundless screams and motionless struggle is that very same question YOU your self asked, before YOUR breath had betrayed YOU, before so much had been demanded of YOU, before YOU had been denied EVERY worldly THING. WHY?
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