Welcome to the Awareness of Me

I have a deep and invested interest in:Political Science, Industrialization, Sociology, Theory and Philosophy in regards to Media and History, as well as The Ever Increasing deterioration of our environment.

Basically, I care about significant world issues, and the true reality of our existence here on Earth

........ and before you brand me, I would just like to say on my own behalf that I am not a scholar, and I do not claim to know every thing.-- or any thing at all for that matter-- I am merely a student of life!!! I sit around and read stuff, watch documentaries instead of T.V.   Research points of interests, pass them on to whom ever cares to listen...... and most Importantly I listen to those who care. 

I am out to find the Truth, before it finds me!!!!

                      (In spite of all the pain it shall surly cause!!!!)

Thursday, November 20, 2008



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