Shaven Black Sheep and Reluctant Sunrises

I used to have long hair!!!

This I did a few Months ago.........

Then this.....

Now, this is pretty much where it's at!

Oh and now that we are flogging at feeble Vanity, here is another little tid-bit to munch on!!!!!

My body is a receiving beacon.  A catcher of dreams. A satellite collecting residuals of energy, unacquainted by those overcome by sleep. It is to say that at night the empowering energy that ignites such a brand of vivid and imaginative creativity in me;  is amplified, then funneled, filtered, and harnessed by the intuitiveness of my mind.  It is a sobering, at times even a jolting force that compels me into such forbidden hours of the night. While the majority of people are slumbering in the warmth and safety of their sacred domiciles, wrapped in lucid, torrid, sometimes blissful or immemorial, and forgotten dreams;  I am conjuring, contemplating...... Creating.  It is as though the subconsciousness of those partly immersed (in what seems to be an unseen parallel world) are either emitting or simply failing to make use of and abundant and mystical power.  It is as if your dreams, seep into an unexploited crevasse of my soul, that desires to be replenished and reborn by day.  The omnipotent darkness its self conducts, what appears as a flow of power ( much like electricity through a copper wire) that gravitates to my very own consciousness.  This entitles me to cannel an endless stream of profound thought and imagery.  This awakened dream propels emotions, towards the surfacing light. As day forever chasing night past the hemispheres
 of reverent awareness.

The Night is My Shepherd, I Will Fallow where it Leads.......

Moses B4 Death.

This is probably why I can't get my ass out of bed in the morning, and why my tan from Cuba is so freaken faded.....Ahh well, you win some you loose some!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


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