Chuck.......as his peers would refer to him.

Sensei...... is what
 his students would call 

I"ll have you know that He is neither.....
.......His name is Charles Lambert Platten the 13th, and he is no Sensei, but rather a Grand Master!!!

His humble aproach to life, masks the magnitude of his accomplishments, but detracts nothing from his essence of greatness.  For he truly is a great man!!

Sensei has circled the globe numerous times.  Since the age of twelve as an Olympic gymnast to being Knighted twice ( once by the sultan of Berni and once by the prince of Indonesia), for his work in the Gold Industry.
He has Created his own combat system that he teaches to Air Marshals, Correctional officers, and Policing Authorities. An eight time Hall of Famer in the Martial Arts World and on and on....... His Experiences in life's travels are far too many to mention here in detail.....

....Good thing I'm writing his Biography.

He Prefers the Title of Sensei, for the Japanese translation of this is, "one who has gone before"
.... and he has indeed gone where most of us only dare to dream...what ever others refer to him as, to me he is always and forever
 a father sent from God!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009



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