.....To Feel Her, Within, ME.....

I can see my children in her eyes!!! A cute little girl with jet black, curly hair and soft brown eyes, a tiny Em that could make daddy laugh with her silly little antics,....just like mommy does...I think if Em and I were to ever have a daughter, it would be like getting to know Emeleen twice.
....and we both could give her all we never had, as children. We could be the coolest mom and dad on earth!!!
I have had many goals in my life and sad to say have failed at many of them. However there has not been a dream, that I have had, that I did not attain, by reaching out high enough.
I began this blog Insisting that if (any reader that may) want to know the owner of these words; that they would first have to know of my precious Em!!
In telling all about myself, I believe that I would first have to begin with my essence, and the reason and purpose for all I do!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



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